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Central Lubrication Systems for Wind Converters

Wind Converter

Wind converters are subject to high mechanical loads. They have to work with absolue reliability. Break down due to lack of lubrication is an avoidable failure.

The Ideal System for Any Application

Design and layout are critical for economic efficiency, service life and operational reliability of the whole wind converter.

Innovative Technology for Efficient Wear Reduction

A central lubrication system continuously supplies fresh lubricant to the connected lube points. The right quantity at the right time.

Tried and Tested Components for Highest Operational Reliability


A reliable, continuous lubricant supply for a wind converter can only be realized with automatic lubrication systems.

The design of Beka-Wind central lubrication systems are adapted individually to each wind converter and its operating conditions. All important components like bearings, toothings and adjustment devices are supplied at the right time with precisely metered quantities of lubricant.